Thursday, April 9, 2009

Back from IBSM!

Hi, not exactly just back from IBSM but like a week alr. Ok, trip was AWESOME! we got free and easy almost all nights, so we can explore the eateries and shopping places in the night! food in china is super cheap, 10 nights in china, i spent only 120 RMB. cheap leh! hahaha shopping was very fun especially in Guangzhou (Wholesale market), ZhuHai (Underground shopping center) and Hongkong (nu ren jie and hua yuan jie)

one thing nt good abt this trip is that, we move hotels in every 2 or 1 day, so we have to pack our luagage everynight with early morning calls like 6.30am. But, we actually went to lots of places and utilized transportation modes like Air, Land, Sea. Cool huh? haha. So with schedules like this everyday, it's inevitable that people got sick. And i'm the only one! Dont know why? I got sick in Hongkong and the journey back to SG was terrible. seriously, i dont think SQ is that good now. Lots of business man are taking economy class now and they behave like some fussy customers; as in they keep asking for service and move their seat back until your legs cant move and the it is totally not spacious at all. Not going to take SQ again, unless i'm left w/o a choice.

Overall journey was excellent, with Kokseng as our captain and Siqi as our deputy chief. Anw, a few hotels in Guangdong, they gt this mahjong rooms with automated washing tiles tables. Damn cool, tried using the mj tables and it's good! I think it's about 3k over sing dollars here. haha shall upload pics of the table soon.

Anw, we visited 10 over companies excluding the tourist attraction places. What I've learnt was totally valuable. But still, I'm not that motivated yet, shall enjoy my student life first haha. But, I do have the idea of travelling down to guangzhou wholesale market can carry some of the goods from there and sell in singapore. (it's like 5$ for a nice shorts which can sell around 20$ in some of the blogshops/livejournal). But still, i could have shopped more at there!! All because of the noobie tour guide! hahahaha

And, YEAR3 is approaching! I'm lucky that i got 3.8 for the previous semester and that proves the chance of getting into business sch in local Uni.

NUS: minimum 3.51
NTU: minmum 3.71
SMU is somewhat abt NTU standard.

Sad isnt it? but it's ok! At least i already qualified for NUS standards but! they take in the 10th percentile only. so if everyone scored good gpa for my cohort, i might not get in even though i've passed the minimum. Business schools in local uni are really hard to get in... :(

I hope good people are in same class as me!

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